Microdosing Vol. 1
Autarkic, Fantastic Twins, Manfredas, Naum Gabo, Smagghe & Cross
Microdosing, MDSG001 - May 24, 2019
12” + Digital
“I deserve to have a good day”
Manfredas, our anti-guru, leads through his illuminated trip, your daily intake of non-conformity. The sitar becomes irresistible trance, opening the door to Bozzwell’s jolt of adrenaline. It is the power of ‘Mind Machine’ - give up, give in.
Autarkic’s ‘I quote myself’ does exactly what it says. A firm statement of individuality. No soothing sugar nor flattering salt sprinkled on top, detuned pianos making sure you do not get as comfortable as to be numbed.
Fantastic Twins reverses the common narcissistic discourse (when surface meets void). The bill is high when one artificially connects to nature. Never forget that pigs will always like mud and wasps will always sting.
It’s only after a third hit that DMT kicks into your system. Close your eyelids and meet Naum Gabo’s ‘Raze’, where sound, geometry and colour spell F R E E D O M, psychedelia as an anarchic art form. You are in your own center, a place so often famed yet so rarely visited.
Coming down, Smagghe & Cross will drag you into the black hole where flowers don’t grow. ‘Song For Noddy’ ties the rope around your neck, better live dying than die trying. Fantastic Twins’ voice is just a medusa calling in for more victims. As Current 93’s David Tibet once sung “This ain’t the summer of Love. This is the night we ride”.
(Words by Ivan Smagghe)
Microdosing is a series of compilation 12”s selected by Julienne Dessagne aka Fantastic Twins, and designed in collaboration with French visual artist Geff Pellet. Microdosing is a collective experiment aimed at helping you fighting back your modern obsession with happiness. You may deserve a nice day but the day does not need a nice you, nothing should be forced, everything is permitted.
Microdosing will provide you with sonic healing weapons on regular basis and at irregular dosage. Those doses will favour psychedelic social techniques against self help tyranny, creation over soma, provoking over numbing, our outer-selves over our inner-selves.
Microdosing refuses the fatality of the pleasure principle. Life is a struggle, time to embrace it.